25+ Hilarious Viral Tweets That Prove Women Are the Funniest People on Earth

These Ladies Are Hilarious!

Being a woman nowadays isn’t always easy. Of course, the best way to deal with all those frustrating moments is with some top-notch internet humor. Check out these hilarious ladies on Twitter who prove that, when it comes to life, the universe, and anything in between, everything is funnier and better with some well-placed humor.

Comfort Food

We’ve all heard of the merit of self-care in recent years. In fact, we’ve heard of it so many times that it might start to feel like it has become completely meaningless. The truth is, though, that we all deserve to treat ourselves every now and then.

Comfort Food

By that, though, we mean getting a mani-pedi or going out to coffee with your girlfriends. We definitely don’t mean becoming a part of dinner. But… now that Birdie Girl has mentioned it… Okay, fine! Let’s go soak in lasagna!

Pretty Please

Despite many believing that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, we’re here to tell you that’s absolutely wrong. In fact, just like men, a woman’s best friend is an adorable puppy to cuddle! It’s even been proven by science.

Pretty Please

That’s right; a study actually proved that when it comes to bed companions, women don’t want hunky men, they want husky dogs. So, we’re all for calling in a doggy call instead of a booty call the next time we’re feeling lonely.

Let’s Get Down to Business

The admittedly hilarious scene that this tweet describes is the perfect example of the fact that none of us “adults” have any idea what the heck we’re doing. Instead, our games of pretend from childhood just got better playgrounds and gadgets.

Let’s Get Down to Business

Honestly, we just want to know what those guys actually decided on. Plus, now we want to hear all about the strange people that work in @-chase___’s coworking space and their unhinged business meetings.

Web of Lies

One never expects to be dragged into a world of secrets and intrigue first thing in the morning. But it looks like that’s exactly what happened to unassuming @LizHackett during her run to Starbucks.

Web of Lies

She never thought her need for a grande pumpkin spice frappuccino would lead to her taking part in an international cover-up! Alas, that’s exactly what happened when she overheard this conversation. Her mission, should she choose to accept it…