6 Brilliant Oven Cleaning Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier

6 Brilliant Oven Cleaning Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier

Cleaning an oven is a necessary evil. A dirty oven spoils the appearance of a kitchen, can give off bad smells, and may even cause uneven cooking. The task of cleaning one seems difficult, but fret not! We have collected six brilliant oven-cleaning hacks that will ease your life and make your oven look clean again.

Vacuuming and Baking Soda Paste

Before embarking on a deep clean, use a vacuum to eliminate loose, charred bits at the oven’s bottom. This handy step will make the subsequent cleaning process more efficient. Baking soda is a versatile and effective cleaner for your oven. To create a baking soda paste, mix a half cup of baking soda with a few tablespoons of water until it forms a spreadable consistency. Apply this paste to the oven’s interior, avoiding the heating elements. Let it sit for at least 12 hours or overnight.

Vacuuming and Baking Soda Paste

Then, use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe away the baking soda paste. For stubborn spots, a plastic or silicone spatula can be handy. Spray vinegar on any remaining residue and wipe the oven clean. The reaction between vinegar and baking soda will create a fizz that aids in the cleaning process. Finish by wiping down the oven with a damp cloth to remove any leftover vinegar.

Steam Cleaning and Using a Bathtub

Before manually cleaning, consider using steam to loosen grime and dirt. Fill an oven-proof bowl with water and the juice of two lemons. Place the bowl inside the oven and turn it on. Once the water starts boiling, turn off the oven and let the steam circulate. This process will help loosen burnt-on bits and grease, making it easier to wipe them away. The added lemon juice leaves a fresh scent.

For deep cleaning your oven racks, remove them and give them a bath in your bathtub. Soak the racks in a mixture of hot water and dish soap. This method provides more space than your sink and eliminates awkward maneuvering.

Salt Scrubs and Pumice Stones

For tough stains, try a salt scrub. Sprinkle salt over the stained area and scrub it using a damp sponge. The abrasive nature of salt helps remove stubborn stains effectively.

Salt Scrubs and Pumice Stones

Pumice stones, commonly used for bathroom cleaning, can work wonders on oven grease. Dampen the stone with water and rub it over the stubborn grease until it’s removed. Rinse and clear away the residue with a fiber cloth. Pumice stones can also be useful for cleaning other items in your home.