5 Easy Ways to Get a Better Sleep Every Night

Contrary to common belief, getting eight hours of sleep a day doesn’t necessarily mean quality slumber. Research reveals that, in most cases, those eight hours usually get punctuated with frequent wake-ups, and constant tossing and turning. This explains why most of us wake up feeling drained and tired, instead of relaxed and rejuvenated. While coupled with emotional strains, this habit can develop into serious sleep disorders. But fortunately, you can prevent any of these, if not cure them, with a bit of daily effort and discipline. Here’s a quick guide to achieving that goal.

Improving Your Environment

A peaceful bedtime environment is essential to send signals to your brain that it’s time to snooze off. Even the smallest of changes can go a long way here by improving your sleep quality to a great extent. First, try to mask or eliminate all the disruptive noises. A low-humming fan or earplugs can do the job here. Then adjust the room temperature, if needed. But most importantly, get a comfortable bed with ample room.

Being Conscious About Daily Diet

Your daytime eating habits play a massive role in your bedtime sleep quality. Pay particular attention to the foods and drinks you’re taking in a few hours before going to bed. According to dieticians, diets with heart-friendly healthy fats help in falling asleep faster with longer and deeper sleep. Cutting back on sugar and refined carbs, and limiting caffeine before bed is essential too. Most importantly, big heavy meals at dinnertime should be a big no-no.

Staying Active During the Day

It’s already common knowledge that regular exercise helps us have an easier time falling asleep. Research also shows that people leading sedentary lives are more prone to daytime sleepiness while active ones carry their energy throughout the day. But the point to remember is that consistency is just as important as intensity to reap the maximum slumber rewards from your workouts. Also, it can take a few months to improve your daily sleep quality.

Taking Help of a Sleep Supplement

In reality, this step should be your last resort in your fight against sleep disorders. Sleep supplements can be a welcome respite in such a case, if not instrumental. Doctors generally prescribe magnesium or melatonin supplements to ensure quality sleep. While the first one helps to get restorative sleep by decreasing the concentration of stress hormone levels, the latter battles insomnia with almost zero risk of habit-forming dependence.